Note that we strongly recommend using a manual aperture lens (such as a Nikon lens) with a Canon body. With a digital lens, the aperture will close down to slightly different positions for each shot. This is not a problem for still photography, but for stop motion or time-lapse it creates “flicker”. For Canon cameras, use a Nikon manual aperture lens (‘D’ series) with a Nikon to Canon lens adapter.

Stop Motion Animation Firmware: If you have an EOS R-series camera with Canon’s special stop motion animation firmware, we recommend getting a Canon RF lens. You do not need to use a manual aperture lens in this case.
Canon Stop Motion Animation Firmware – More Information

For Nikon cameras, use a Nikon manual aperture lens and put masking tape over the lens’ electrical contacts.

A manual aperture lens has a physical ring for controlling aperture. Do not get a ‘G’ series lens, which has no aperture ring.

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