If your camera is supported, and you followed all of our setup instructions, and Dragonframe can’t seem to talk to it… it may be a permission issue. There was probably a point, when you first ran Dragonframe on macOS Catalina, that it asked if Dragonframe could access Photos… and you said ‘no’.

Quit Dragonframe and turn off your camera.

Open a Terminal (in Applications : Utilities) and run one of the following commands:

For Dragonframe 2024: tccutil reset All com.dzed.dragonframe2024

For Dragonframe 5: tccutil reset All com.dzed.dragonframe5

For Dragonframe 4: tccutil reset All com.dzed.dragonframe4

The run Dragonframe, and answer ‘Yes’ to the permissions questions.

If that doesn’t work, please try the development build.

Development Builds

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