BESTIA by Hugo Covarrubias

More than anything else, what signals the tension in the BESTIA trailer, is the sound track. It builds as the trailer progresses, making it almost obvious that what originally seems like a mundane snapshot of life would soon feature both a knife (twice) and a gun by the end. Inspired by real events, BESTIA, by Hugo Covarrubias, enters the life of a secret police agent in the military dictatorship in Chile.

Good Intentions by Anna Mantzaris

In Good Intentions’ small thriller about decision making and guilt, a young woman responsible for a car accident. She escapes the scene but can’t stop thinking, or imagining, what happened to the other driver. The scenes that ensue, as the woman then becomes a ghost of its former self, are what really grabbed our eye. We’d never seen a ghost puppet before and director, Anna Mantzaris, pulled it off very well.

The Coin by Siqi Song

The Coin is a film about tradition, family, immigration, and most importantly, about finding ourselves,” says Chinese director Siqi Song. She goes on to explain the origins of a short that we found exceptional in both visual and narrative achievement.

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