Feast your eyes on Mark Osborne’s (Kung Fu Panda) first trailer for his new movie The Little Prince. This is the international trailer, but rumor has it an english version will be coming soon. The movie is being animated in Montreal, with both CG and Stop Motion teams working in the city.

Osborne daringly mixes many styles of animation from 2D hand drawn (on real paper) with paper cut-out, stop motion puppets and CG. In this trailer we see a fusion point where a little girl (CG) imagines a hand drawn plane – that turns into a paper cut out plane – and eventually leads us to the stop motion puppet of The Little Prince. Even though this trailer is short, it contains the work of many top stop-motion animators. There are shots animated by Evan DeRushie, Dale Hayward, Sylvie Trouve, Philip Tardif, Payton Curtis, and Anthony Scott. Anthony served as Animation Supervisor for the stop motion segments. The movie will not be out for a year, so we will save many more details for later. (and of course, it was shot using Dragonframe software).