Gorgeous cinematography and art in this knockout mindbender from director Kangmin Kim that is touring the Sundance and Annecy film festivals. While relaxing in a bathhouse fit for any gritty independent film, our main character delves into dreamstate and takes us along on a wild ride of rich visual microcosms in this pitch perfect piece. Great art from Seulhwa Eum. It’s a believably unbelievable head trip. The only thing that can be certain is that this team has the birthmark for greatness.

Kangmin tells us a bit about the shoot:

    All was done without the help of a storyboard and just with the interaction with characters and sets.
    Dragonframe helped me from pre-production because I did not make any initial final design. I made final design in camera with Dragonframe because the actual process always helps me to figure scale and depth of field out.

    I played with many materials and techniques to create the more experimental images. The stop-motion technique was chosen with 2D props and 3D sets to compliment the more rudimentary form of animation. Therefore, some shots are drawing animation, some more classic 3D stop mo. I finished 99% of the film in-camera with Dragonframe, leaving the rest for post-production. Dragonframe also helped greatly with the shots involving bleach and scratch technique on 35mm.

-Thanks, Kangmin

Watch the making of: