Diálogo from blo que on Vimeo.

Diálogo is a film experience in sound, texture, and movement. Much wrapped-up in dualities, there is juxtaposition of sound and action, as well as of the natural and machine. Of the piece, Blo Que writes, Diálogo is the encounter of two voices which nurture the beginning of a conversation. / An unintelligible conversation, with no defined language, based on sound art.”

You can find this statement of purpose on the site for Blo Que Studios, plus original sound files like, Charles Amirkhanian’s ‘Lexical music’ (1980), “A masterpiece within the text-sound poetry scene,” and Jan Jelinik’s ‘ZWISCHEN’ (2018), “A collage based on excerpts of interviews with public figures, from which he isolates the spaces between words as well as the non-verbal sounds emitted by the interviewee, thus creating new acoustic structures.”

DIALOGO was made with a mix of stop-motion and live-action. The shooting and building of props and machines took place in the Blo que Studios set-workshop in Madrid. Perhaps due to the visual tricks played on the eyes in some of the scenes, end titles include the line: “No 3D was used in this film.” But, as Blo Que’s Quique Roma confirmed for us, Dragonframe was, and we really liked what we saw. Kudos to the entire team!