Chris Hopewell brings us Radiohead’s latest music video which spans decades in vernacular as well as song inception. Although only officially released this year, Thom Yorke had mentioned the song in a blog way back in 2005, played live snippets in concert in 2006 and 2008, and posted the full lyrics to the song in 2007.

The plot of Burn The Witch is a translation from the cult classic Wickerman, which mirrors the hauntingly beautiful, yet dark nature of the song.

The video itself is created in the style of the late ’60s British TV series Trumptonshire Trilogy. This may also explain Hopewell’s decision to film in a 4:3 aspect ratio, staying true to the format of the referenced series. Unfortunately, it seems some family members of the Trumpton creator, Gordon Murray, have claimed it a copyright issue and view it as a “tarnishing of the brand.” Reappropriation, it seems, can be a slippery slope. Below is a clip from Trumptonshire as well as the trailer of the original Wickerman.